Iranian sends Condolences to Mrs. Kletzky
Thousands of condolence letters have been pouring into the shiva for Leiby Kletsky z”l. And among them will be over 160 letters that I have received from mothers expressing their condolences to fellow mother Mrs. Kletzky.
Witnessing the tremendous Jewish unity following this terrible tragedy and the yearning to comfort this bereaved mother after her son’s horrific murder has been nothing short of awe-inspiring for me.
But I think that the letters that have moved me the most so far are the letters I have received from non-Jews who were also affected deeply by the story of Leiby’s murder. And of all those letters from non-Jews, this letter from an Iranian woman is the one that managed to move me to tears.
This holy little boy isn’t only repairing the rifts that divide us Jews for one another. In his death, please God, little Leiby z”l is fixing the whole world:
Dear Mrs. Kletzky,
I am deeply sorry for your loss. I have not been able to take you and your beautiful boy out of my mind since I heard the news.
I wake up in the morning thinking of you and I go to bed the same way.
I want to tell you that you and your family are in my prayers.
May God give you strength.
My most sincere and heartfelt condolences.
Iranian-American living in Virginia.
I don’t know what it is about this boy and this story that moves us all so much. There is something about his face…