And the Anti-Superwoman of the Year is…

In the end, Minna was voted the #1 Anti-Superwoman of the Year! Mazal tov! Her winning answer was:
“I don’t make Shabbos more stressful than it has to be. I have a severely autistic son and Friday/Shabbos is extremely stressful as it is.
“Which means: we don’t have guests (even though at one point this was a big part of our lives), don’t use real dishes, I don’t cook fancy foods or bake challah, and if I don’t feel up to it, I will buy ready-made food. I try to make it special for my family by having good (store-bought) cake and chocolate milk for kiddush…
“And I tell myself that what my kids will remember are the positive memories in life, not what I think is missing. Hopefully they are learning how to deal with stress in the most effective way:)”
The other $50 winner is Ayelet Katz of Beit Shemesh who was chosen randomly among the 82 women who submitted answers.
I wanted to close up the Anti-Superwoman contest with some very smart Anti-Superwoman advice a JewishMOM named Keren shared in the comments. I think this ties up this whole subject with a ribbon:
“One of the most important lessons I ever was taught (and am still trying to learn!): whenever you say yes to something, you say no to something else.
“Just today I said yes to creating a clean home and making a delicious healthy lunch for my family. And I said no to spending time with my baby who was hanging out with his granddad instead for the whole morning instead of having any attention from me. Maybe tomorrow I’ll say yes to playing with him all day and forget about the dishes.
“The Superwoman just doesn’t exist: saying yes to more pursuits, you say no to doing every single thing with more precision/being more relaxed/getting enough sleep etc.”
I guess this means I should right now say no to more blogging, and say yes to cooking for Shabbos:)
Chag Sameach!
Amazing advice from all the women! Thank you!