Tisha b’Av: The Incredible BBC Movie (1 hour)

I wasn’t able to go out to hear Aicha since my baby’s sleeping (and even if she wasn’t sleeping, she’s very noisy!) so I watched this amazing BBC movie instead (thanks to Rafi of Life in Israel for posting this). Made in consultation with an Oxford historian, this movie tells the story of the events leading up to the destruction of the Temple. I’ve heard so many classes and read so many articles about Tisha b’Av, but watching this movie was the first time in all these years that I actually cried over the destruction of the Beit haMikdash. If you’re sensitive (like me) there are some violent, bloody parts you’ll want to forward over, but this is still very worth watching.


  1. Good idea to publish it in your site, you can also watch this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz-HwIIjXKo , “Jeremiah the Prophet *Full Movie* ”
    Hope it will help as well.
    Tzom Kal to everyone.

  2. THank you, I enjoyed watching this as it truly brought the story of the Churban to life. I was saddened to note grevious errors in the mvoies’s plot. The traitor Josephus is depicted as a saviour, a man of peace. Additionally, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai’s prediction concerning Vespasian becoming emporer was falsely attributed to Josephus.

    • While I last wrote that “Additionally, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai’s prediction concerning Vespasian becoming emporer was falsely attributed to Josephus.”

      I recently read that Josephus himself claims to prophesize Vespasian’s future role in his own writings. Just wanted to be accurate 🙂

  3. Thanks for posting this! I’m in the same situation this year, will watch it when the fast starts…

  4. this is great, my ‘tradition’ since I am always at home with the kids for Aicha is to listen to it online http://www.virtualcantor.com/tbav.htm not quite the same but I find it better than just reading it though

  5. thanks for sharing. i watched this today. it served the purpose on tisha bav. if there are any other factual errors or historical errors, please share…

  6. Is there any way to remove the Turkish subtitles?

  7. Thanks for sharing!
    Very interesting.

    I learned a lot from it.

  8. Where were the Muslims in this whole story…

  9. The film itself states very clearly that it’s based on Josephus’s accounts of the events. As far as I know, Josephus wrote separate works–in Hebrew for his fellow Jews and in Latin for the Romans, to whom he became attached as the emperor’s historian. There are supposedly differences between the two versions, probably because he was not free to give a completely truthful account to the Romans. Nevertheless, 90% of it should be true at least.

  10. didnt watch the movie but just confused- i thought your baby is a boy?

    • JewishMom

      this is an old post, from two or three years ago…My daughter is three and my baby boy is 10 month b”H

  11. The video is gone! Help!

  12. Hello, What was the name of this film? I’ve tried to find it. It sounds like a film I watched last year and the year before but now I can’t find it and I don’t remember the name of it. Thanks!

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