My Kever Rachel Miracle Baby by Aliza Neveloff

My Kever Rachel Miracle Baby by Aliza Neveloff

Over the 8 days of Chanukah, each day I will be featuring a different reader’s miracle story. After Chanukah, you will be able to vote for your favorite story in the Chanukah Miracle Festival, and the winner will receive $100. I am soooo loving this. I’m still looking for one last miracle to feature, so if you have an amazing miracle story to share, please Email it to me at Enjoy!

I am from California and I met my husband on my Nefesh B’Nefesh flight. We got married a year later in Jerusalem.

After our first year of marriage we moved down to the yishuv, Shomeriya. More than half of the yishuv is composed of veteran families from Gush Katif, and a common thread amongst the families in my section of Shomeriya is that they are young, idealistic, and very Torah committed.

My miracle story began the night before Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5770 (2010), when my learning partner who was also my neighbor asked if I wanted to go with her to Kever Rachel to pray. I said, “Of course!”

We also asked a couple of other neighbors to join us, and on the morning of Rosh Chodesh Nissan, 5 women and 2 toddlers all piled into my neighbor’s station wagon and we were off.

I thought we were all just going on a regular trip together to pray at the kever. Little did I know…

When we got there we decided to split up the Tehillim. Each woman read one of the five books of Tehillim.

For me, the only non-Israeli in the bunch, this took awhile, and I am not sure how my two neighbors with toddlers managed to read their entire book, but that gives you a sense of the level my neighbors are on.

After we finished reading the entire Tehillim we read the “Yehi ratzon” found at the end. One of the woman asked if she could read it. She read the beginning and then tears began to roll down her face as she prayed for my husband and me to have complete healing and then fervently said “May you remember all who are childless, to grant them children who are healthy to serve you and to fear you…” and again mentioned me and my husband’s name.

On the drive home we had fun and sang all different types Jewish songs including “Zera chaya v’kayama” (May your offspring live and prosper).

I did not know the reason we were going to Kever Rachel that morning. I had no idea we were going to read the entire sefer Tehillim for the merit of my husband and me.

At that time, my husband and I had been married for 3 1/2 years, and we had not yet merited to become parents.

Exactly a year later, on erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan, my husband and I were sitting in Shaarei Tsedek Hospital, in Jerusalem, holding our beautiful daughter, Tsofia Ruth. She was born exactly a year to the day that we had all crowded into my neighbors’ station wagon and prayed and cried at Kever Rachel.

Aliza with her husband and baby Tsofia Ruth

A side note. All the other women who went with me to Kever Rachel also merited to give birth to beautiful and healthy children less than a year after the trip. Don’t underestimate the power of heartfelt prayer!


  1. i am in tears, these stories are going to empty my well waters i can already feel it

  2. Amazing story! Miracles are everywhere! Happy Chanukah 🙂

  3. Beautiful!
    All we need is to pray with pure faith, and believe
    חנוכה שמח לכולם!

  4. Your story brought me to tears. It’s beautifully written and heartfelt.

    Happy Chanukah

  5. That is SO beautiful! What amazing neighbors you have!

  6. How moving. You are blessed to live amongst such an amazing crowd of women..ken yirbu!

  7. wow that is so amazing. brought tears to my eyes. such special women, such an open miracle. and interesting they all had babies less than a year later ie. before the one baing prayed for – the torah says that when we bless others, we receive that blessing first, the blessing comes down through the person blessing so they are affected first. may you have many more healthy babies (and a healthy mother and father) amen!

  8. I’ve heard your story before, but I’m still crying reading it! SO glad you took the time to write it up. I haven’t read all the other stories yet, but I know I’ll vote for you!

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