Indiana Mom Saves Kids from Tornado (2-Minute Powerful Video)

Indiana Mom Saves Kids from Tornado (2-Minute Powerful Video)

36-year-old mother Stephanie Decker lost parts of both of her legs while protecting her children during a tornado that destroyed their home last week. A truly awe-inspiring story of heroism that reminds us of the incredible power of a mother’s love. Thanks so much to Nava Levine-Koren for sending this my way!


  1. Wow…that’s all I can say. Wow. That is what a true mother is.

  2. Anonymous

    Some women call themselves “Mamma Grizzlies”, but they have no idea what this means. Who but someone who has been through a life-on-the-line event understands what it means to risk your life and do literally everything possible to save your children? Thank you for sharing!

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