Larry King and the Rebbetzins (4-Minute Sweet Video)

Larry King and the Rebbetzins (4-Minute Sweet Video)

Loved seeing Larry King wearing a kippa in this Chabad Telethon, and hearing about the lives and common mission of these Chabad Rebbetzins. I was especially happy to see Rebbetzin Racheli Muchnik interviewed in this video, since two years ago I posted a letter she wrote about her struggle with thyroid cancer. B”H, she looks amazing. What an inspiration:)



  1. Thank you soooooo much for posting this video! I worked with Leah Lang in Gan Isroel camp back in 1999! It was so exciting to see her!

  2. This was very moving. I have to say that although I’m not a sheitel fan, I really was impressed with the elegant poise of these beautiful women. They are beautiful on the outside due to their clear inner beauty.
    They certainly represent the amazing potential and contribution of Jewish women and made me proud to be one.

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