MBD Gives Tour of Destroyed Home (16-Minute Important Video)

MBD Gives Tour of Destroyed Home (16-Minute Important Video)

Like all of us, I’ve been hearing and reading a lot about the damage from Hurricane Sandy. But I thought we were just talking about some flooded basements…I didn’t really grasp the kind of terrible destruction that took place until I watched this video featuring singer Mordechai Ben David giving a tour of his flooded home and of his devastated community, the Seagate neighborhood. Throughout the New-York area, thousands of our fellow JewishMOMs have been left without clothing, food, and electricity for their families. I urge every JewishMOM to donate to Achiezer’s Emergency Hurricane Relief Fund which has been flooded with requests for assistance from hundreds of desperate Jewish families.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing.
    It’s a very very sad situation over there.

    May Moshiach come speedily!

  2. I am completely empathic as well as heartbroken for the tremendous loss that so many of our brothers have been going through because of Sandy… but am I the only one who is having trouble hearing about a request for monies to rebuild a millionaire neighborhood in seagate as opposed to rebuilding in Israel where we are supposed to be living? Does not anyone else feel queasy about this?

    • Dear Chami,

      While I appreciate your idealism, I believe that during a time of crisis, people should be assisted unilaterally. In fact, this very videop raises a Jewish organization for being the only group out there to help the locals, Jews and non-Jews alike.

      Passion in an incredible virtue, but we cannot mandate that other people live according to our principles.

      As for “rebuild a millionaire neighbourhood” – I did not pursue the victims’ bank statements, but anyone who was recently hit by a hurricane of this magnitude deserves some level of support. Do we need to restore their homes to mansion-level-grandeur? I believe there are answers to that question in Halacha. Answers that might surprise you.

      We should never neglect our brethren at a time of need.
      But who knows, Chami, maybe they will decide to follow in your footsteps.

      • I know some families living in that neighborhood. None of them are even close to being millionaires, just middle class. There are some people that were literally left with nothing but their shirts on their backs. We need to help Jews anywhere, no matter where they live.

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