10 Tips to Get Inspired (15-Minute Mommy Peptalk Video)

Practical suggestions to help busy JewishMOMs stay connected to Hashem, the Torah, and our ultimate goals.
Practical suggestions to help busy JewishMOMs stay connected to Hashem, the Torah, and our ultimate goals.
Wow Chana! You are a tsadekes!
Good for you.
You are such an inspiration.
Keep up the great work.
Bli neder, i’ll try the daily 5minute hitbodedud and the weekly Netivot Shalom chevruta learning, beezrat HaShem. Thank you and yasher
koach ! ; )
amazing, yasher koach!!
Wow!..you are AMAZING!…you could open a gmach library with all your books!…ha ha…wish I was closer i’d be first in line…chana, can u recommend a good read on chosing ones derech or “zerem” as its called here in Israel..?..i am at a crossroads with chosing schools and I am SO confused! Asking a Rav is difficult since our Rav isnt from Israel and so he doesnt know how all these shades of grey take a toll..
hi sara, I think the best thing is to get the advice of a rav or experienced parent here who can advise you about the different schools. We’re making the same decision right now also!
What an inspirational video!
Hi Chana Jenny, I have internet rimon and I can’t see the video. Is there anywhere else I can find your videos?
hi jenny, could you change your level on internet rimon so you can see YouTube videos? If not, it should be up on Koshertube.com over the next few weeks under women: crown of creation.