1st Chassidic Woman Elected to Montreal Council?

1st Chassidic Woman Elected to Montreal Council?

Two years ago, young Mindy Pollack founded “Friends of Hutchinson Street” to help ease tensions between her own Chassidic community and a group of mostly French-speaking residents who opposed the expansion of a synagogue in her Montreal neighborhood, Outremont (BTW, my brother-in-law, Noah, also lives in Outremont).

Now 24-year-old Pollack is running to join her borough council.

She told La Presse, “The situation has to change, and the best way to change things is to give yourself a voice. The most important thing is dialogue, because without dialogue, we will never find a solution.”

If she wins, Pollack could be the first female Chassidic elected official in Montreal’s history.

Click here to listen to an interview with Mindy Pollack. Isn’t she awesome? Mindy, this JewishMOM is rooting for YOU!!!:

Click here to see Mindy Pollack in TV interview


  1. Where is the link to the interview?

  2. This is amazing!! She sounds so confident… wonder what her mom did to help make her like this. I need some advice:)

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