TV Makeover for Chabad Home

TV Makeover for Chabad Home

Einav and Anat Vaspi, Lubavitch baalei teshuva living in Northern Israel, have suffered through two terrible tragedies. Two years ago their year-old daughter, Menucha Rachel, suddenly passed away in a freak drowning accident. And before that, their car was hit after a driver lost control of his bus, and their daughter Sheina had to have a leg amputated.

Despite the hardships they have endured, the Vaspis are known in their diverse community for their constant acts of kindness and tremendous hospitality. “Our activity gives us strength,” the couple told a reporter from Channel 10.

This month, the producers of the Israeli version of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” chose the Vaspis’ run-down home for a total makeover. “This family contributes to the community every day and this was our chance to give back to them with whole hearts,” explained the show’s host.

The Vaspis in front of their old home with their 4 daughters.

The Vaspis in front of their old home with their 4 daughters.

The most touching aspect of the show for me was seeing what lengths Extreme Makeover’s secular producers went to in order to honor the Vaspis’ Chassidic lifestyle. COLLive reports:

“Seeking inspiration and understanding of the Chassidic lifestyle, interior designers Michael Azulay and Gat Namir-Choter-Yishai traveled to the central Israeli village of Kfar Chabad where they toured the replica of 770 Eastern Parkway, Lubavitch Headquarters in Brooklyn, NY.

“They learned about the idea of “bayis malei seforim,” that a Jewish home should be filled with holy books, and decided to paint the Vaspis’ home in a shade inspired by the red brick row “house of the Rebbe of Lubavitch.”

“…they were working on building a kosher home – separate sinks for dairy and meat, a large display of seforim and photos of the Rebbe throughout…

“They even redid the “farbrengen corner,” the barbecue area where Einav holds a weekly chassidic inspirational gathering for men…

“The mezuza was shaped as the middle column and entrance of the 770 building. “Shehecheyanu Vekiyimanu vahigiyanu,” the father blessed with a wide smile, and tears in his wife and children’s eyes.”

What a touching story, especially in these days before Tisha B’Av.

To see this idealistic religious family that does so much to help Jews of all kinds being presented such a generous gift from these secular Jews who show so much sensitivity and respect to their religious lifestyle….

To see the hatred and suspicion that often plagues the relationship between secular and religious Jews replaced by mutual love and respect…makes me think that maybe the next project of Extreme Makeover could be on the Temple Mount?


  1. WOW! Very moving! So beautiful to see the outpouring of love for the Vaspis by their community. Most inspiring for me is seeing/hearing Anat’s reaction on the video – what a remarkable woman she must be!

  2. Rachel Aviner

    I don’t think I’ve cried this hard in a long time – it was incredibly moving and inspiring to see the effort these makeover people put in to making them the most beautiful house possible.

    thank you for posting this

  3. can someone translate what the mother said about the two year old child who was in a accident?

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