Overcoming Challenges, the Bedouin Way (8-Minute Mommy Peptalk Video)

Overcoming Challenges, the Bedouin Way (8-Minute Mommy Peptalk Video)

If you want to improve your life with minimal effort, you need to learn how the Bedouins light fires.


  1. Thank you for leading us into ellul so beautifully. May you reap great rewards from all your hishtadlut and may Hashem bless you greatly for your generosity of spirit in teaching so many of us lessons of and for life.

  2. I like your parable of how to make fire. It is taking the concept of baby steps to the next level by adding focus into the equation. Hatzlocha with your endeavors and even if you pick only one of the suggestions of the therapist to work on your pelvic muscles it will have an effect. (not the avoidance ones necessarily, but active things)

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