Nachlaot Boys Star in New Aharon Razel Video (3-Minutes)

Nachlaot Boys Star in New Aharon Razel Video (3-Minutes)

In Aharon Razel’s awesomely eye-catching new music video for the song “10 People” he searches all around Nachlaot’s alleyways and marketplace for 10 people willing to join him on his roof to declare their belief in Hashem. But he can’t find a single taker…until 10 Nachlaot boys agree to join him. Loved seeing so many familiar, young faces from around the neighborhood. Also, congratulations to my dear Netivot Shalom chavruta, Efrat, on her brilliant screenplay-writing debut with husband Aharon for this video! 馃檪 English translation below.

注砖专讛 讗谞砖讬诐
讗讛专谉 专讝讗诇
诪讬诇讬诐 讜诇讞谉: 讗讛专谉 专讝讗诇

讗 . 讻讗讚诐 讛指专抓 讘执旨砖讚讛 讛拽专讘, 讞执爪讬诐 诪讻诇 爪讚讚讬讜, 注讬谞讬讜
砖讜诇讞 诇址诪专讜诐, 讞讜诪拽 注讜讘专 诪讘讬谉 砖专讬拽讜转,
讛讜讗 诪讞驻砖 诇讜 诪讞住讛 讘讜 讬住转转专 讬讛职讬侄讛 讗砖专 讬讛职讬侄讛
讝讜讞诇, 讗讜诇讬 驻爪讜注, 驻转讗讜诐 诪讘讞讬谉: 讘址旨爪讚 注讜诪讚 诇讜 拽讬专 专注讜注.

讜讻讱 讗诪专 诇讬 驻注诐 讛指专讘, 住讜讙专 讛讚诇转 诪值讗讞讜专讬讜,
“谞讻谞住转指旨 诇讘讬转 讛诪讚专砖, 诪爪讗转 诪拽诇讟 讘执旨砖讚讛 讛拽专讘”.
讬转讬址砖讘 讗诇 诪讜诇 讙诪专讗, 诪讙谉 转讛职讬侄讛 诇讜 讘注转 爪专讛
讛驻止讱 讘讛旨 讜址讛驻止讱 讘讛旨, 讬讜诪诐 讜指诇讬诇讛 讬侄讛职讙侄旨讛 讘讛旨
讻讬 讗讬谉 注爪讛 讜讗讬谉 转讘讜谞讛 诪诇讘讚讛旨

讗讝 转讘讬讗讜 诇讬 注砖专讛 讗谞砖讬诐! 注砖专讛 讗谞砖讬诐 砖诪讜讻谞讬诐,
诇注诪止讚 讗执转讬 注诇 讛讙讙 讜诇爪注止拽, 讛’ 讛讜讗 讛指讗诇止拽讬诐!

讘. 讘址旨讞讜抓 专讜讞讜转 讜旨专注诪讬诐 讘执旨拽砖转讬 讚注转 讘执旨拽砖转讬 驻谞讬诐
砖指讉讘注转讬 讛讘讟讞讜转 讜址注讟讬驻讜转 讘执旨砖诇诇 爪讘注讬诐.
讜讛讜讗 讬讜砖讘 专讻讜谉 讘诇讘 讞讚专讜. 讗诐 讬砖 讗讬讝讛 讝专诐, 讛讜讗 讬诇讱 谞讙讚讜
讚诇讜转 讜砖拽讟 诪住讘讬讘. 讗驻砖专 诇砖讗止诇 讗讱 讛讜讗 讗讬谞讜 诪砖讬讘

讜讻讱 讗诪专 诇讬 驻注诐 讛指专讘, 住讜讙专 讛讚诇转 诪值讗讞讜专讬讜…

注讘专转讬 驻注诐 讘执旨砖讻讜谞转 诪讙讜专讬诐, 诇讬址讚 讘讬执转, 讛讞诇讜谞讜转 讛指讬讜 驻转讜讞讬诐,
讛爪爪转讬 驻谞讬诪讛, 专讜讗讛 讗谞砖讬诐 讬讜砖讘讬诐 讜诇讜诪讚讬诐, 讙诐 讗谞讬 谞讻谞住
诪转讬址砖讘 诇诇诪止讚. “砖诇讜诐 注诇讬讻诐”, 谞讙砖 讛专讘, “诪值讗讬执谉 讗转诐”?
“注讘专转讬 讘诪拽专讛”, 讗诪专转讬 诇讜, “谞诪砖讻转讬 讗诇 讛指讗讜专 砖讘拽注 诪讘驻谞讬诐”

“转砖诪注 住执驻讜专 诪专讙砖, 讗讜诪专 诇讬 讛指专讘, “讬讜诐 讗讞讚
讛转讞诇转讬 讞讜砖砖 诪值讛指专注砖 讛指专讘 砖诇 讛诇讜诪讚讬诐:
讝讜 砖讻讜谞转 诪讙讜专讬诐, 砖讻谞讬诐 诪讘讜讙专讬诐. 住讙专转讬 讗转 讛转专讬住讬诐.
诇讗 注讘专讛 砖注讛, 讚驻讬拽讜转 讘址旨讚诇转, 讘址旨讞讜抓 讝拽谞讛 讗讞转 注讜诪讚转,
拽爪转 谞讘讜讻讛 讗讱 讘拽讜诇 讗讬转谉, 讗止转讬 讛讬讗 砖讜讗诇转

诇诪讛 住职讙址专转侄旨诐 讗转 讛转专讬住讬诐? 诇诪讛 讛讞诇讜谞讜转 驻讛 诪讻讜住讬诐?
注诇 讗祝 砖拽砖讛 诇讬 诇诇讻转, 讗谞讬 注讜讘专转 驻讛 讻诇 讬讜诐 讻诪讛 驻注诪讬诐,
讗谞讬 讞讜诇讛 讜讗讬谞谞讬 爪注讬专讛, 讜讗讬谉 诪讝讜专 诇讬 讜旨专驻讜讗讛
讻讬 讗诐 诇专讗讜转 讗侄转讻诐 诇讜诪讚讬诐, 讻讬 讗诐 诇讛讘讬讟 讘讻诐 讬讜砖讘讬诐 讜诇讜诪讚讬诐
讗讝 讗谞讗 驻转讞讜 砖讜讘 讗转 讛转专讬住讬诐”.

讗讝 转讘讬讗讜 诇讬 注砖专讛 讗谞砖讬诐…

10 People (Written and performed by Aharon Razel)
Like a person running in the battlefield, arrows coming from all directions, he sends his eyes to Heaven, passes and slips between the whistles, he searches for a refuge to hide no matter what happens. He crawls, maybe injured, and suddenly he sees: to the side there is a shaky wall.

And that’s what the rabbi once told me, closing the door behind him, “You’ve entered the Study Hall, you’ve found a refuge from the field of battle.” Seat yourself with a Gemara, it will shield you in times of trouble. Turn it and turn it, day and night contemplate it, because there is no wisdom and understanding without it.

So bring me 10 people! 10 people who are ready! To stand on the roof with me and yell, “God is the Lord!”

Outside there are winds and thunder, I asked for knowledge, I asked for the inside. I had received my full of promises, and wrappings in many colors. And he sits with his head bent in the heart of his room. If there is any trend, he will go against it. Poverty and silence all around. It’s possible to ask, but he doesn’t answer.


I once walked by a residential neighborhood, by a home, the windows were open. I looked inside, I see people sitting and studying, also I came in and sat down to learn. “Shalom Alechem” the rabbi approached me, “where are you from?” “I passed by, by chance,” I told him, “I was drawn to the light that shined from inside.”

“Listen to a moving story,” the rabbi said to me. “One day I began to worry about all the noise of the men who learn here. This is a residential neighborhood, and we have elderly neighbors. I closed the blinds and not an hour passed by and there were knocks on the door. Outside an old woman is standing a bit embarrassed but with a strong voice she asked me, “Why did you close the blinds? Why are the windows covered? Even though it’s difficult for me to walk, I pass by here every day several times. I am sick and I am no longer young, but there is no bandage or treatment better for me than to see you learning, to see you sitting and learning, so please open the blinds once again.



  1. really nice!

  2. Love the clip, but I am saddened that all the boys on the roof are charedi.

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