The Years are Short (2-Minute Must-See Motherhood Video)

This morning I was walking my 3-year-old Tsofia for her third day of gan…I was eager to start enjoying some hard-earned hours of post-vacation vacation (or as Shoshana Friedman put it so eloquently, “Come September, mother needs some summer!”) But Tsofia had different plans. She wanted to sit on a patch of dirt and then climb a pole and then watch a cat as it walking by. I tried hard not to get frustrated, but I wasn’t so successful…And then I watched this gorgeous video by Gretchen Rubin about the commute to nursery school with her young daughter. Oy, serious kleenex alert JewishMOMs. A must-see for every JewishMOM.

When I saw this video, it reminded me of this photo…
Just what I needed after my very very long first day for my kids at school and gan. Thanks