The $100 “I’m a Hero Too!” Chanukah Contest

The $100 “I’m a Hero Too!” Chanukah Contest

I love contests!!! And here’s our newest one…

This year’s Chanukah contest theme is: “The Maccabbees were heroes, and I am too!”

Please send me your personal stories of coping with serious challenges (if chosen, your story can be posted anonymously).

I will be accepting submissions until Monday November 25th, and will be posting the 8 semifinalists over Chanukah.

After Chanukah a randomly chosen winner from among the semifinalists will receive $100.

Click here to send me your submissions and questions


  1. Can we send in stories about other people’s heroism in the face of challenge?

  2. yes, that sounds fine

  3. No fair! We all know who we really should nominate as our personal hero – you!! Can you enter? I’ll write the article about you. (listening to your Mommy peptalk right now about getting past frusterations). You have changed our lives and taught us so much…

  4. sara’s right
    i second the nomination, even without an article

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