A Few Things I Wanted to Get Off my Chest

A Few Things I Wanted to Get Off my Chest

I received one of the most life-transforming pieces of advice I ever heard around five years ago from my teacher, Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi. She instructed us, “If you are thinking something good about somebody, TELL THEM!” So since then, I’ve really tried to follow that advice.

Just this morning I did the following:
–I made a purchase at my favorite household goods store, and I told the woman who owns it what I was thinking: “Your store is so dangerous…There are so many amazing things here that I come in for one thing and spend twenty minutes looking around.”

–I saw Tsofia’s incredibly dedicated, creative, and excellent ganenet making a mobile for Chanukah and I told her what I was thinking, “I just wanted to tell you that I notice all the fantastic things you do with the girls. You are so creative and make this gan into such a magical place.”

–I saw Rivka walking down the street with her 7-day-old baby, and I told her what I was thinking, “Wow, your baby is SO adorable, and you look fantastic!”

I almost always hesitate before getting my positive thoughts off my chest like this. I fear that the person will think I’m just being nice, and what I’m saying is not what I really think (even though it IS!) But when I do overcome my hesitation and get my good thoughts off my chest, I see how happy they make their recipients, and I also notice how happy they made ME feel and how they truly turn up the brightness on the entire world.

Try giving thanks, JewishMOM, you’ll like it…Happy Thanksgivukkah:)
gratitude 2

gratitude 1


  1. Thank you, thank you!

    This really changed my outlook for the day. I will now actively look for positive things to say to others. It’s true that it will make me feel better, too!

  2. I appreciate this post, and just had to tell you! Thanks.

  3. What hashgacha pratis!
    I’ just sent an email a few days ago to a local artist saying how beautiful a piece is that she made. She didn’t reply for a few days so I began worrying maybe she got I was being patronizing…
    Then I read your article, and figure that I did something good, so I should stop fretting.
    Just now I got a reply email thanking me for the recognition because she never gets it for her work.

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