This Week’s Best Links, Videos, and Photos

This Week’s Best Links, Videos, and Photos

Jewish Positive Thinking Course: I wanted to tell you about an awesome course I’ve been taking this year– Positive Jewish Thinking taught by Chaya Hinda Allen. This course is helping me so much– to stop wallowing in worrying and negative thoughts and instead to feel more hopeful and positive in life. I love Chaya Hinda’s inspiring and enlightening classes and also her guided visualization CDs which enable me to jump-start my positive thinking every day.

A new 20-week course is starting this Monday, and if you would also like to learn how to think more positively, I HIGHLY recommend it! Visit to learn more about Jewish Positive Thinking and listen to a sample class…

Mother and Daughter reunited 44 Years after Daughter Kidnapped by Father: This is one of those give-your-kids-a-big-hug videos. Moving and so sad to see all the time they missed together.

4 Ways to Manage Fear by Sara Debbie Gutfreund Feel the fear, and do it anyway. Found this article really inspirational.

Mazal tov to Ima2Seven who just became Ima2EIGHT! She writes about having a tough time post-partum, I’m sure a lot of moms out there can relate to this.

Walking with my Father by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff. Memories of her father from throughout her life. Oy, serious tissue alert for this one.

A recipe for the yummiest muffins I’ve ever eaten by Sina Mizrachi. Unbelievably yum!

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