7 Things I’m Grateful For by Carol Friedman (Semifinalist #9)
Posted by JewishMom on Jan 22, 2014 in Uncategorized | 0 comments
Welcome to our JewishMOM.com $100 Gratitude Contest! Every day I’ll be posting the 7 amazing photos of a different semifinalist, and afterwards you’ll have a chance to vote for your favorite. The winner will receive $100!
Semifinalist #9 is Carol Friedman of Highland Park, New Jersey
Gratitude – That I have created a club, where I am loved and accepted for being me by each of its members. I am grateful that I have been blessed with the ability to create a club-house, a nest, a place for me to have the room to grow closer to G-d. (Numbers 2-7 are items that are in my club-house.)
My siddur and Tehillim – Because I now know that I am not alone and that I have the ability to reach the only One who really understands.
The chumash my grandparents received as a wedding gift in 1924 from her BFF. It has the inscription “Promise never to forget me.” I kept that promise and each time my son Harry is called to the Torah the neshamos of the Balsteins, who were murdered by Hitler Y”Sh, have an aliyah.
My grandfather Harry’s fork and spoon with which he ate his meat meals. I am so fortunate to have the memories of sitting in my grandparents kitchen as we ate dinner together. My grandfather loved his soup.
Grateful for my gemach – antique sterling silver napkin rings in the memory of two people dear to me.
For all of the gifts my mother has made me over the years that express her love to me.
Grateful for the mementos from the deep friendships I have made throughout my 51 years.