Shimon Gross gives Thanks for Son’s Medical Miracle (1-Minute Moving Video)

Shimon Gross gives Thanks for Son’s Medical Miracle (1-Minute Moving Video)

Contrary to doctors’ expectations, the hearts of both sons from the Gross family have started beating on their own (this video was made after 5-year-old Yitzchak’s heart started beating on Tuesday).

And since yesterday (January 29) Yitzchak has returned to full consciousness and is talking. He even said a blessing before eating a lollipop! IY”H, we should continue seeing miracles for the Gross Family. Please continue praying for Chaim Michael Shlomo ben Michal and Rafael Yitzhak Isaac ben Michal.

One comment

  1. b”H May the boys have a speedy recovery and go from strength to strength.

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