“Every Grandchild and Great-Grandchild is My Revenge”

“Every Grandchild and Great-Grandchild is My Revenge”

Reb Cohen was still a boy when he was sent with his parents and siblings from his native Hungary to Auschwitz. He was the only member of his entire family who survived the Shoah. After the war, he moved to Israel, where he was welcomed and cared for along with many other young survivors by the Vizhnitzer Rebbe. In the years that followed,he married and raised a family.

z. cohen

Reb Cohen reflects:

“For the first few years following the War I had a strong desire to take revenge on the Nazis, who did what they did to me and to my family and to the entire Jewish people. But afterwards, I grew up and built my family. And today I know that every grandchild and every great-grandchild born to me is my true revenge against the Germans who wanted to annihilate the Jewish people—the eternal nation.”

baby (1)


  1. May he only continue to live a long life with many children and grand children. Chazak, Chazak!

  2. Best revenge. To top it off there are many true geirim among children of Nazis. Am Yisrael Chai!

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