When You Have Five Sisters…

When You Have Five Sisters…

Tonight I witnessed such a touching brotherly moment between my sons, 7-year-old Yoel and 2-year-old Yaakov. Yoel sat on the sofa with his only brother, reading Yaakov a story with his arm draped over his shoulder.

How sweet, I thought, as I walked over to them to see what they were reading…

I was a bit taken aback, however, to see that the book at the center of this brotherly bonding moment was a big Weisberg-family favorite titled β€œThe House of the Pink Dolls.”

I guess when you share a home with so many girls, even brotherly bonding moments sometimes have a sisterly touch.



  1. So cute!

  2. That’s funny. My five boys always liked hanging out in their sisters room…. The two little ones wear my shoes, play with my bags, and ask me to tie their headscarves and make them skirts!!

    But it’s still a household of boys…..

  3. Hindel Levitin

    Love this! As someone who has five sisters and four daughters, there is NOTHING like a house full of sisters. (I know your point was about your boys among so many girls πŸ™‚

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