The Sisterhood of Motherhood (2-Minute Important Video)

I wouldn’t have thought that a video made by Similac could so perfectly represent my personal hashkafa on mothers and motherhood, but this video manages to do just that…We talk all the time about the importance of Ahavat Yisrael– loving our fellow Jews– despite our differences. I think this video’s call to Ahavat Eemahot–loving our fellow mothers– despite our differences, is right on and urgently needed. And with around 7 million views in just over two weeks, I guess a lot of judged (and judging) moms feel the same way!
Omg, that was beautiful!! made me cry.
I had to pause the video at the park, it looked so much like Seattle!
yep, makes me cry each time I watch it too– the part at the end with the baby. I guess it’s just very true.
Not crazy over this one video —
the men, no matter how “feminine”, can never be mothers!
I’m sorry; I didn’t “get” this video at all.
What exactly was the beautiful message at the end? It’s human nature to chase a baby carriage so it doesn’t crash horrifically down a hill. That’s not sisterhood. And two minutes later everyone will be back at each others’ throats because of their own insecurities.
How about the message that by developing confidence in your own choices, you don’t need to berate other people for decisions that are not harmful to their baby and have nothing to do with you.
Somthing bothers me in these cliches i dońt know Why! And also the aim of it is to sell milk isn ´ it? So i feel manipulated…
But on the part of déveloping ahavas hinam you are totally right Jenny!!thank you for this though y provokîg ad!
This video was all over Facebook etc. and I watched it and dismissed it as commercial glurge, until I read your post, and realized that is can be a metaphor for ahavat Yisrael, and it is so true. Just look at last summer