Sharansky: My 4 Grandchildren Are my Victory over KGB

When a photographer from the magazine “Yeladim” requested to take a photograph of former refusenik (and current director of the Jewish Agency) Natan Sharansky to accompany an article about him, he asked to be photographed next to a small photo on the wall of his office.
Sharansky explained, “This is a photo of a KGB building in the former Soviet Union. In this building, the prison guards would tell me over and over, ‘You will never get out of here alive.’ And here you go, here is a photograph of me next to that same building, a few decades later, with the family I have merited to establish since then, with my wife, my children, my sons-in-law, and my grandchildren.”
“When the oldest of my two daughters, Rachel, was born, the first thing my mother did was take a photo of her and sent it to the director of the prison where I was held [as part of my 9-year spent in Soviet prisons]. She felt that this was a victory. I also feel that my four grandchildren are a symbol of optimism and the victory of our struggle.”