Mazal Tov to My Sister! (10-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

Mazal Tov to My Sister! (10-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

Reflections on the Jewish/Chinese names of my newest nephew, Noam Suyuen.


  1. mazel tov to your family, your sister and brother in law, on the birth of their baby boy!the name they chose is beautiful, and very meaningful! he should bring nachat to his parents, and grandparents,and all of Israel.

  2. Chana, this peptalk was so appreciated! thank you so much for the aspiring stories!

  3. Bubby Bracha Mandelbaum

    Beautifully stated, and with so much love.
    Salmon also swim upstream.
    But now I know why I don’t eat ducks!
    Not a vegetarian, just awestruck by a creature that lives
    peacefully in the water, land and sky, even diving under the water
    for periods of time. Perhaps, don’t feel high enough to elevate
    the flesh of such a creature.
    This was a bit of my “stream” of consciousness. But all leads to the
    goal of HaShem before creation: To bring the day when H’ will be one and his name will be one! That’s the ultimate revelation: We are all His and we are all One. Bubby Bracha

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