Why Mothers Get Nothing Done (1-Minute Funny Video)

Why Mothers Get Nothing Done (1-Minute Funny Video)

Oy vey, this video is the story of my life! Love it!!! Thanks so much to JewishMOM Hadas Melmed for sending this my way…

If video doesn’t work, try watching it here:)



  1. my life too, for 10 years and running…

  2. At least the child looks like she’s having a great childhood!

  3. Hi
    heard the music but couldn’t see the pictures…. I can just imagine though and would do it all over again in a second … but that isn’t Hashem’s plan so far…

  4. very ambitious of her to wash windows! this is all too familiar. wasn’t sure if I should laugh or cry!

  5. Really made me laugh! That’s what life with my 18 month old sometimes feels like. Hashem should please give us all ko’ach to keep up with all our precious little (and big) ones.

    Chana Jenny, keep up your chizuk work! We need it especially now before Pesach!

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