What Blessing Do We Recite over the 1st Day Back at School?

What Blessing Do We Recite over the 1st Day Back at School?

Yesterday in the shuk the dried-fruit salesman gave me a blessing as sweet as the dried pineapples I bought from him.

He blessed me with a “sweet year with no balagan!”

Balagan in English? Mess. Noise. Chaos.

What did he mean? In Israel, there are various types of balagan.

International tension/threats balagan.
Palestinian terrorism balagan.
Israeli political balagan.
And, of course, for every JewishMOM, there is the in-my-house, kids/mess/noise/chaos balagan.

But I think that for me the dried-fruit salesman’s Rosh Hashana blessing took effect a few days early– today.


Yaakov and Yoel started gan and 3rd grade last Wednesday.
Then Hallel and Hadas started 10th and 12th grade yesterday.
Then today, September 1st, Tsofia, Moriah, and Maayan started kindergarten, 5th, and 8th grade.

So today, I came home after gan drop-offs, and I heard something I haven’t heard in months.

The sounds of September 1st!

The delicious sounds of a complete absence of balagan.

The scrumptious, long-awaited sounds of silence:)


  1. how long did those sounds last? My son went for the first time to an Iriya gan, which for the new kids ends at 10am on the first day. 10:01, and I was back in August 31! 🙂

    • my kids actually walked in just as I wrote the first words of this post! short-lived sounds of silence.

  2. Tastes so sweet! Lol

  3. Absence of Balagan?!?

    My house looks like a tornado blew through it!

    Shana Tova!

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