Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Shomer Nagiah Handshake

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Shomer Nagiah Handshake

Someone I know who works with the Israeli government just shared a sweet secret with me.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu knows he is not allowed to shake the hand of his Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, religious JewishMOM Tzipi Hotovely-Alon.

So how does he greet her?

They extend their handshake hands, and, holding them a few inches apart, move them up and down. And then end with a big thumbs up and a smile.

Shomer Negiah handshake.

Only in Israel.

Tzipi Hotovely-Alon with her husband and daughter

Tzipi Hotovely-Alon with her husband and daughter


  1. Just a comment....

    But honestly…..
    A cold handshake may be a better choice than “Holding their hands a few inches apart shaking them up and down and then ending with a big thumbs up and smile”…..
    Let’s be real, the issur of negiah has a reason behind it….

  2. Love it!! I can just picture it…

  3. reminds of a community I lived in – we did simulated hugs! from a few feet away!everyone always smiled and felt greeted.

  4. I always do that too! I call it an “air shake” 🙂

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