When Chanukah is Finally Over

When Chanukah is Finally Over

By the end of Chanukah, I’ve had enough.

Enough days spent with a house-full of bored, hungry, fighting children.

And I don’t want it to end.

The candle-lit family dinners of latkes and sufganiot, the fun of everyone together. The magic.

This is why, the day after Chanukah, I always feel the exact same thing– really, really happy to have my house and routine back. And also really sad. How will I get through the rest of a cold, dreary December, January, February without those candles to light up all the gray?

Last year, at around 1 PM the day after the 8th candle-lighting I got quite a shock. I looked at my husband’s chanukiah outside our house and saw– one candle was still burning.

chanukiah noon

It felt like Hashem with that defiant, little flame was saying, “Chana’le, it might look dark out but the flames of Chanukah will continue to light up the world forever.”

That last defiant, little candle, a wink from Hashem.


  1. wow!!! your own personal chanuka miracle!

  2. I had this last night. I woke up at 1.30am for my son and noticed one last channukah candle still burning. A chance to savor the light of channukah that lit up the dark sleepy night. A quiet moment with Hashem. A strong message to carry us forth

  3. wishing all a good healthy winter, and we should only

    hear bsurot tovot!

  4. sheva lazaros

    Amen. Besurot tovot for am Yisroel.

  5. That is so beautiful! May this winter have many unexpected moments of light for you and all.

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