Rabbanit Kanyevsky’s Daughter Continues in Her Footsteps

I was surprised to read that HaRabbanit Leah Kolodetsky, the daughter of Harabbanit Kanyevsky zts”l, has inherited her revered mother’s role as a guiding spiritual light to the women of Am Yisrael.
Like her mother, Rabbanit Kolodetsky receives women (and some men as well) thirsty for advice and encouragement and blessings. Sources close to the Rabbanit say that two years after Rabbanit Kanyevsky’s passing, Rabbanit Kolodetsky draws even twice the number of visitors to the Kanyevsky home (where Rabbanit Kolodestky receives the public) as before the Rabbanit’s passing– numbering dozens a day and hundreds a week.
An interesting story that gives us a sense of Rabbanit Kolodetsky…A Charedi girl met a divorced non-Charedi man more than a decade older than her through the internet. They were dating intensely for over a year and her parents were extremely upset and wanted her to break off all contact with him.The girl suggested that HaRav Kanyevsky and Rabbanit Kolodetsky could be the mediators to solve this stormy disagreement with her family, and agreed that she would go along with whatever they advised. HaRav Kanyevsky instructed the girl to break off her connection with the man immediately. Rabbanit Kolodetsky, by contrast, told the parents that the girl would not easily break off a relationship that had gone on so intensely for such a long time, and urged them to accept this man as a son-in-law and to give the couple their blessing for a successful marriage.
A source close to the Rabbanit Kolodetsky explained, “In this case the Rabbanit was shown to be a woman with ‘wide shoulders…She is a sensitive person who is an excellent listener and not judgmental. She knows how to accept people as they are, and to help them in whatever way they need. This is the reason that not only Charedi women come to the Rabbanit– but also main-stream Orthodox and secular women as well. She greets all of them with a smile and in this way she is the natural continuation of her mother who was characterized by good midot, menschlichkeit, and a smile for every person.”
Rabbanit Kolodetsky at one of her popular weekly Challah-taking gatherings
Rabbanit Kolodetsky blessing a Rosh Yeshiva
The Rosh Yeshiva in the video is her Brother-in-aw
My name is Yael and I’m an Olah Chadasha from Montreal, Canada.
I would really like to have a bracha for a refouah for my stomach and intestine problems from the Rav Kanievsky and I would really like to see Harabanit Kolodesky.
How can I do that?
call to 0527172233
at nine o’clock exactly!
and you have to make an appointment
dont give up try in some phones.
I am trying to call at the same number at 9pm and has no success. Is there another way to contact Harabanit? I don’t live in Israel but want to go specially to meet her.