Why My Husband and Kids were Not at the Istanbul Airport Last Night
Last February, Josh and I were going back and forth with our travel agent about flights for this year’s summer trip. For the first time in a long time Josh and I are travelling with all of our children to North America this year in order to celebrate my parents’ 50th anniversary and my mother-in-law’s 70th birthday in July.
Our travel agent looked into flights for us and recommended that we travel through Istanbul: “Look, Turkish Airlines is excellent and you can save hundreds of dollars per ticket.”
And then, as usual, we asked my Dad his opinion. Dad said, “There have been more terror attacks recently in Turkey. I would be hesitant to fly Turkish Airlines now.”
So Josh cancelled that booking and bought flights through Europe instead– for me and a few kids on July 7th, and for him and a few kids on June 28th. Which meant that when 36 people were murdered and 140 were injured in a triple suicide bombing and gun assault last night, Josh and Tsoofy, Yoel, and Hallel were in Zurich and not in blood-drenched Istanbul.
When Josh and I have important questions, we generally consult with Mom and Dad first.
Our parents aren’t religious, so there are certain questions we don’t ask them. If we want to get advice, for example, on where to send our kids to school or whether we can play monopoly on Shabbat, we ask our rabbi instead.
But despite our difference in lifestyles, our parents have continued to be a source of clarity for us, and have, through their balanced and wise advice, brought us tremendous blessing.
Last night’s events and my father’s advice reminded me of the 5th commandment, “Honor your father and your mother: that your days may be long…”
I pray that as our children grow, we will be able to pass on the gift of wisdom and guidance to them which we have been so blessed to receive from Mom and Dad.
Baruch Hashem
Baruch Hashem!!!
Beautiful words about kibbud av v’em.
Such a wonderful example and lesson to pass on to your children who will probably as a result, continue the tradition. Bridging the generation gap in a Torah based lifestyle.
asking your parents out of kibbud av v’em even when they run their life so differently- – that’s a tough one. Good lesson, thanks.
I think I wasn’t so clear– I didn’t mean that we ask cause of kibud av v’em. We ask our parents because they are very wise and give smart advice. It just happens to be that it’s also kibud av v’em to ask them…
Schlepping your kids on jet planes and through time zones to celebrate anniversary and birthday milestones is a tremendous kibbud Av v’em. I am sure they will have lots of nachas to be able to spend time with them. Have a safe and healthy journey and only travel for happy reasons!
Chana Jenny,
Yesterday I was at the levayah of Hallel-Yaffa Ariel hy”d . Are you planning on posting her mother’s hesped on Jewish Mom? Did you see it on Arutz 7? Unbelievable Jewish mother…Besorot tovot yeshuot venechmot
I didn’t see it, thank you for telling me