Something Wonderful at the Gan Next Door

Something Wonderful at the Gan Next Door

Last week I was picking up Yaakov from gan when I noticed something new and colorful inside the kindergarten next door. I took a closer peek, and tears filled my eyes. This was something I knew I had to share with you JewishMOMs. Here’s why.

Thousands of years ago, G-d made a promise to a childless man named Avraham.

Hashem took Avraham outside, and told him to look up towards the sky and count the stars.

And then Hashem told Avraham, “So will be your offspring.”

A promise that was nearly impossible to believe.

But Avraham did believe, and Hashem kept His promise, and childless Avraham and Sarah became Avraham Avinu, Avraham our father, and Sarah Imenu, Sarah our mother, the father and mother of myriads, of our entire people.

gan chani zarecha

gan chani stars

And that is the story behind the colorful new addition to the kindergarten of Ganenet Chani Schwartz, the words “So will be your offspring” accompanied by a canopy of stars– the name of every child in the gan as well as all the teachers painted inside his or her own star.

Because, as Ganenet Chani explained to me, “Each child in this gan and every ganenet who works here and every Jewish man, woman, boy and girl in the world is a fulfillment of Hashem’s ancient promise to Avraham. A man with no children who miraculously became the father of an entire nation, of each and every one of us, to this very day.”


  1. LOVE that! It really brings it home..:)

  2. Bracha Mandelbaum

    Nice idea and great picture. I did the same thing in my pre-school in Tucson, Arizona several years ago.”Himmel Torah School”
    Himmel means Heaven 🙂
    Mine was less creative, but found blue fabric covered with stars and tacked it up on entire ceiling of our largest room. Still have some of it. Children made their own pictures. Figure of Avraham sleeping on midnight blue paper. Pasted as many stars as they wanted on top and glued real sand sprinkled underneath him. We will see the promise realized shortly with the complete revelation of Moshiach Tzdkeinu!

  3. Thank you for posting this and sharing such a wonderful storywith all of us!
    Very nice idea!

  4. This is so beautiful and true! I love the last paragraph.

  5. It brought tears to my eyes too! Thank you so much for sharing this.

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