7-Year-Old Malky Hirth z”l’s Final 1-Minute Inspirational Message for You

Yesterday, after fighting leukemia for 5 years and drawing heartfelt prayers from thousands of Jews around the world, 7-year-old Malky Hirth of Lakewood tragically passed away. Those who knew Malky during her short life describe that despite her suffering she was a girl with remarkable emuna, joy for life, and good-hearted spunk. Once at her school’s office, she joked to the secretary that since she was missing so much school due to her frequent hospitalizations, “I bet I’ll be in elementary school until I’m in my 30s!” She recorded this message below for another girl who was struggling, but I think it’s message about G-d’s love and the gift of health is a crucial one for all of us to hear.
What a special girl. Such a holy neshama… what a powerful message. May she be molitz yosher on all of us in this generation!!
Agreed. And I have a copy of a letter the Dr wrote after she passed away. Such a kiddush Hashem. I’m not sure how to send it, but it is profound.
I knew Malky A”H. She literally came from the highest places down here to teach us. She and her family had and continue to have rock solid Emunah b’Hashem. Malky A”H loved to live and live she did!!! She went to school sometimes and always had the kindest, wittiest, and smartest things to say. Everyone – and I mean everyone in the school building in all ages and grades loved Malky. She had a perception, a keen understanding, strength, perseverance, tremendous depth – and it was all tied together with her love for Hashem. Malky A”H would sing and dance, record songs, encourage and calm grown ups in all areas of challenge, draw, laugh, and just live. Malky A”H and everything she and the Hirth family live for have become an icon – an anchor. There are loads of articles that have been circling – if anyone is interested – feel free to contact me.
Hadassa, I would love access to the articles. Please be in touch via my website (click on my name). Thanks!
I would love the articles this woman says she has
please it would be helpful thank you
I would so appreciate the articles about this special young girl.
Thank you so much!
It just made me cry. I am going through a hard period in my life – and then there is this little fatally ill girl giving a bracha to someone else. This strength and positivity! Incredible.
She has so much spunk! It’s inspirational thanks for sharing
no words – just tears and endless admiration for her and her parents
Thank you Malki and family for this incredible chizuk. May Hashem comfort you and may her memory help to make many others happy.
Thank you for posting this clip of Malky a”h. malky is my niece, we miss her very much, but as people have commented above, she had a special neshoma, a gem, that Hashem lent to us for 7 years and then he wanted her back. She had a tremendous zest for life and she LIVED more in her 7 short years than some people do in much longer lifetimes. Malky a”h learned from her parents how to make a Kiddush Hashem, she had a rock solid emunah and she LOVED Hashem, her King.
Malky is a brave little girl
She gives me and all my family chizuk thru all these long difficult months
You see my baby of 2years old has neuroblastoma,a rare cancer which attacks the nerve cells. Please can you pray for her amongst all the Cholim in goal yisroel.
I am so sorry to hear this, please write your daughter’s name so we can daven for her
Dearest Hindy Frey,
May your daughter have a refuah shlemah !Here’s a testimony of a mother who went on a plant based organic diet with a 3 year old son who was sent home with terminal cancer. The entire conversation is inspiring, especially minute 30:20 and 36:00.