A Life of Abundance

Living a life of abundance. That’s what Dina Friedman was talking about last night as I prepared today’s lunches (humus sandwiches and nectarines for all) and cooked (a mountain of squash and freekeh*) for the week.
I liked the sound of that: a life of abundance. And Dina requested from each of us to think about our lives, and all the times Hashem had showered us with abundance by giving us things we had yearned for.
And I remembered a sampling of moments like that from my life…
The night Joshua Weisberg put a ring on my finger one rainy, Thursday night, 21 years ago.
The night my oldest child was born, 19 years ago, making me a mother.
The evening 12 years ago when I gave birth to my 4th daughter, Moriah, providing much-needed comfort and joy following a traumatic 2nd trimester miscarriage.
The early Shabbat morning when, a decade ago, I gave birth to Yoel, my first son after 4 daughters. The intense excitement and otherworldliness of that a bris!
That Thursday afternoon, 4 days before Rosh Hashana almost two years ago, that we moved into our beautiful new home, a new start in a new neighborhood following a difficult period for our family.
Truth is, it was a little jarring remembering all these things which I had yearned for so intensely for so long. And which I still feel grateful for, of course, but generally take for granted as just a part of the life I lead.
If only I would remember more often how long and how much I once yearned for nearly everything I have in this life, I wouldn’t only be living a life of abundance. I would KNOW I am.
*I just discovered freekeh at the health food store, the salesperson said it’s young green wheat that’s been broken and cracked. Chewy but yummy.
How beautiful to count your precious blessings and savor their sweetness…Kein yirbu!
I was just talking to a neighbor last night and she was expressing the power of saying thanks to Hashem for everything, the good and the difficult.
ืืืื ืืื ืขืฉืืจ? ืืฉืื ืืืืงื. We are so blessed. Hashem should help us to be aware of how blessed we are in every moment. Thanks Chana jenny.