How My Rabbi Husband Became a Restaurant Chef (1-Minute Video)

How My Rabbi Husband Became a Restaurant Chef (1-Minute Video)

My husband, Joshua, has been a rabbi and educator for the past 2 decades. But a few months ago our dear friend, David Ehrlich, asked Josh if he would like to work this July as a breakfast chef at his popular bookstore cafe, Tmol Shilshom. Josh agreed, and here’s a cute video about Josh’s first morning on the job.

Here’s a translation of the video….


My name is Joshua, first of all, most important, I’m the father of 8 children.

And I live in Kiryat Moshe. And teach Torah. Most of my work is as a rabbi at a midrasha and a yeshiva.

I am a friend of David (the restaurant’s owner) for around 23 years and he came to our home for a Shabbat meal, and was really excited about the food, so I told him, “I’ll cook for you at Tmol Shilshom.” It was kind of a joke, but he accepted the offer.

This has been a dream for several years, and this year it happened, every Friday in July.

I insisted that I buy all the ingredients, that I prepare everything, that I’ll do all of it. I like delicious things, in small portions. Everything is home-made, made personally, there are no recipes. I made 13 flavors of arak, do you want to see? This one is pineapple and chili peppers, it bites back.

It’s a dream, to see that people are eating your food. It’s like teaching a gemara class, but of a bit of a different style…



  1. Wow! Didnt imagine your husband like that! Food looks delicious will you have to cook anymore??

    • JewishMom

      since we’ve been married, josh has always made the salads for shabbat, and I cook the rest.

  2. I thought your husband was Canadian? You dont hear an accent at all when he speaks hebrew??

  3. so nice! everything looked so good!

  4. Recipes? I know he said there are no recipes. But something for us?

    • JewishMom

      I’ll ask him if he can provide some– a exclusive:)

  5. very pleased to meet your husband

  6. Hadassah

    What an interesting looking place! I am sure that the customers are enjoying his food. It must be surprising to find the food different from other times. I am curious if there is any pressure there due to time.

    • JewishMom

      Josh has all his food ready ahead of time, but he told me this past friday that there was a rush time when a lot of people were ordering his meal.

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