Inspiration from One Jewish Mother to Another
Posted by JewishMom on Jul 30, 2017 in Inspiration, Inspirational Videos, Jewish Moms, Motherhood, My life | 2 comments
One of the most powerful forms of Jewish outreach.
It’s true. But sometimes I feel like “it’s all eyes on me.” If I am at Target and my child acts up, all eyes on the orthodox Jew. But someone else’s child “oh, it’s just a kid acting up.”
right, it’s pressure too. I feel that a lot less in jerusalem since there are so many religious jews here
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It’s true. But sometimes I feel like “it’s all eyes on me.” If I am at Target and my child acts up, all eyes on the orthodox Jew. But someone else’s child “oh, it’s just a kid acting up.”
right, it’s pressure too. I feel that a lot less in jerusalem since there are so many religious jews here