Reframing a Blah Mothering Day (6-Minute Mommy Peptalk)
Even if your heart wasn’t into mothering your kids today, you were still an awesome mother.
Inspiration from One Jewish Mother to Another
Posted by JewishMom on Oct 22, 2017 in Inspiration, Inspirational Videos, Jewish Moms, Motherhood, My life | 3 comments
Even if your heart wasn’t into mothering your kids today, you were still an awesome mother.
site by illuminea
Blog Artwork Courtesy of Sheva Chaya Shaiman and Shoshana Motzen
I fell behind with watching your peptalks since we put a filter on our home computer so I just watched this one….
First, I wanted to tell you great the colors you are wearing look on you- they look great on you!
wow, thanks!
Second, I have a question about this concept of chavas curse being this need for desire. I thought the curse was painful child birth- is this something else or related?
Thank you for this talk- it’s very true as I’ve been working on not being so hard on myself and it makes a huge difference!