The Marriage Secret of a Chassidic Husband and his Secular Wife (4-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

The Marriage Secret of a Chassidic Husband and his Secular Wife (4-Minute Mommy Peptalk)

Amit Katz, a Breslover Chassid, and his secular wife, Dana, share the secret of their happy marriage.


  1. very nice but technically how does it work? cacherut nidda? both husband and wife are implicated…

    • JewishMom

      i think that he is flexible on whatever he can be flexible on. In the house, they only eat bedatz. They didn’t discuss it, but I’m certain she goes to the mikveh

  2. Thank you! What a beautiful, inspiring family. May Hashem bless them with continued peace and joy!

  3. I don’t have facebook can you please post as reg video? Looks interesting

  4. I know a woman in this type of marriage and seems happy, but it’s a mystery to me. The truth is, no two people are holding on the exact same level. One person might be more stringent about one issue that the other one is lenient about and vice-versa. It’s part of the challenge of marriage. I know of a couple that went thru this, but the wife refused to tovel and they never had relations again until he died (young). I know of another couple where the BT husband struggled for years until finally giving up and becoming secular again. I just don’t understand why any woman would want a secular husband…

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