Tu B’Shvat’s Message for Mothers by Sivan Rahav Meir

Tu B’Shvat’s Message for Mothers by Sivan Rahav Meir

Tu b’Shvat, the festival of trees, is celebrated not in the spring but in the winter.

Not at a time when everything is already blooming and ripe, but at a time when we still don’t see any results yet.

Tu b’Shvat reminds us that in nature, like in life, we do not get everything we want right here and now.

Rather, often, we must wait. As we plant, water, invest, believe, and hope.

There are slow, hidden processes in life; things are developing underground.

And that means that we need to have patience.

This is true regarding our children, our marriages, our personal challenges, and in every meaningful area of our lives.

In a generation where we wait impatiently to see 2 blue check marks appear, once a year, on Tu b’Shvat, we receive a reminder that life’s most indispensable ingredients include patience, ongoing work, investment, and dedication.

All of these, with G-d’s help, will ultimately bring us and our families tremendous blessings. Abundant fruits of our labor.

Happy Tu Bishvat!

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  1. thank you Jenny

  2. Good message, thank you

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