Chai Lifeline Wish at the Wall Trip: Rivka Bracha’s Highlight (1-Minute Video)

When I was at the Kotel last week, I met Sorah Yaffa and Rivka Bracha Ross of North Miami Beach, Florida who are in Israel with the Chai Lifeline Wish at the Wall Trip for teens living with serious chronic illnesses and disabilities.
This is so beautiful. Those kids and parents are my heroes.
Wow! So nice to see my neighbor on your post! The mom is one of my heroines because she is dealing with tremendous challengs but is positive, upbeat, and adds a tremendous amount of energy to the community.
wow, small world!
So happy to see them on your site! Mrs. Ross started a Jewish library in her home…it’s amazing. Truly blessed to know them.
Chai lifeline is incredible. They do so much for our family. It’s an incredible organization. Please consider donating to chai lifeline. They sent me lunch and dinner to the hospital everyday for two months, shabbatons, women’s retreats. Just incredible…