How to Be a Happier Mom this Adar by Rabbanit Yemima

How to Be a Happier Mom this Adar by Rabbanit Yemima

When Adar begins, our happiness increases.

But how exactly?

Here are some thoughts from Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi’s new book: “Invitation to Rejoice”:

Women nowadays expect of themselves to do everything – to work, to educate, to succeed at home and outside of it, to host, to finish everything quickly.

And I say: Cut yourself a lot slack along the way but do not, I repeat, DO NOT give up your own happiness.

A messy bed can be made.
A report for work can be prepared.
But an unhappy woman is worse than any of those things.

So, it’s true, you did not tell a bed-time story.
You didn’t finish the to-do list you had to finish.
You lost it with your kids–again.

But on your mile-long to-do list, you forgot to write, “Smile! Enjoy your life!”

Choose wisely how you spend your days, decide what you will do and what you won’t.

But there’s one thing you should make sure not to give up along the way, G-d forbid. On your joy today, now.

This excerpt was originally posted by Sivan Rahav Meir. To sign up for Sivan Rahav Meir’s daily word of inspiration, please send your name and which language and format (WhatsApp/text/email) you prefer to:
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  1. I am CONVINCED that if you manage to stay happy and balanced over getting everything done, your kids and husband will also do better. Even without those bedtime stories of the extra income from the job you didn’t finish or the yummy dessert you never made…

  2. Bs”d
    Thank you. Yes Keren I agree with you, and I think this can help in the future when the husband or kids face choose happy over everything done.

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