Mourning Jersey-City Victim, 33-Year-Old Leah Mindel Ferentz

Mourning Jersey-City Victim, 33-Year-Old Leah Mindel Ferentz

My heart this morning is with the families of all the Jersey City victims, among them 33-year-old mother Leah Mindel Ferentz, who co-owned the JC Kosher Supermarket with her husband, Moishe. Before the shooting, Moishe had gone to the shul next door to daven mincha.
Moishe’s mother, Victoria, told the New York Times: “After a couple minutes, shots rang out. The synagogue was put on lockdown, and Mr. Ferencz’s thoughts turned to his wife, Mindy.
“She had been left tending the market.
“I called my son, he says, ‘I’m locked here, I have no idea where she is. I hope she is safe!’”
Leah Mindel’s family is no stranger to tragedy. Leah Mindel’s mother died when she was still young, after years spent in a coma.
This coming Monday, Leah Mindel was supposed to have attended the much-anticipated wedding of her sister’s child.
I pray that this family will be blessed with comfort, health, and only happy occasions from now on!


  1. Amen. May Hashem comfort them and the families of all the victims.

  2. May Hashem comfort the families. May Leah be a teaching for love not hate. May the haters learn empathy and drop their prejudices. Let evil boomerang into unrepentant evil and destroy the perpetrators and sympathizers. May Leah be a teaching that embraces and comforts.

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