The Soundtrack of My India Trip: “Sun” Performed by Bnaya Barabi (3-Minute Music Video)

The Soundtrack of My India Trip: “Sun” Performed by Bnaya Barabi (3-Minute Music Video)

During my trip to India, daughter Hallel played this song for me. And after that we listened to it again, and again, and again. Day after day. It’s about letting God light up your life, so you can become a sun to the world.
So you are hereby forewarned, this song is addictive. But it’s a healthy addiction, I think:)

The Sun by Hanan ben Ari
כבר שנים שאני לא דומעת
כבר שנים שבלי סיבה
אני מוצאת עצמי מתגעגעת
מחפשת לי תשובה
It’s been years since I cried
For years, for no reason
I find myself longing
Searching for an answer, teshuva
תראה אותי, תתן לי יד
אני אחת שמוכנה להשתנות
תבוא תאיר לי את ימיי
באור יפה, גנוז כמעט מיליון דורות
Show me, give me a hand
I’m one whose willing to change
Come, light up my days
With a beautiful light that has been
hidden away for almost a million generations
ואז אני אהיה כמו שמש לעולם
אהיה כמו ציפור נודדת במרחב
אתה, אתה תהיה לי מלך לעולם
מודה אני לך על דרך שנשבעת לי
And then I will be like a sun to the world
I will be like a bird flying in space
And You, You will be the King of the World
I thank You for the path You have sworn me to
ועכשיו שיש קצת אור בחדר
ועכשיו שיש אותך
אני פתאום בוכה ומתפללת
מפחדת שתשכח
And now that there’s a little light in the room
And know that there is You
I am suddenly crying and praying
afraid You will forget
תראה אותי, תתן לי יד
אני אחת שמוכנה להשתנות
תבוא תאיר לי את ימיי
באור יפה, גנוז כמעט מיליון דורות
Show me, give me a hand
I’m one whose willing to change
Come, light up my days
With a beautiful light that has been
hidden away for almost a million generations
ואז אני אהיה כמו שמש לעולם
אהיה כמו ציפור נודדת במרחב
אתה, אתה תהיה לי מלך לעולם
מודה אני לך על דרך שנשבעת לי
And then I will be like a sun to the world
I will be like a bird flying in space
And You, You will be the King of the World
I thank You for the path You have sworn me to
קח את הזמן אני לא ממהרת
ונשארת לעמוד
ואנגן כאן על מפתן הדלת
עד שתצא אחר כבוד
Take Your time, I’m not in a rush
And I’ll stay here standing
And I’ll play here, at the doorway
Until You exit, with honors
ותקח אותי תתן לי יד
אתה אחד שמסוגל להתגלות
תבוא תאיר לי את ימיי
באור יפה, גנוז כמעט מיליון דורות
And take me, give me a hand
You are one who is willing to be revealed
Come, light me up my days
With a beautiful light that’s been hidden away for almost
a million generations
ואז אני אהיה כמו שמש לעולם
אהיה כמו ציפור נודדת חופשייה
אתה, אתה תהיה לי מלך לעולם
מודה אני לך על דרך שנשבעת לי
And then I will be like a sun to the world
I will be like a bird flying in space
And You, You will be the King of the World
I thank you for the path You have sworn me to


  1. Beautiful, thank you for sharing. Is he singing in the feminine?

    • Stunning song! I didn’t pay attention that he was singing in the fem until. I read your comment. Why he singing in the feminine? I can speculate that he is relating to the idea that all of this world is feminine receiving from Hashem. Does anyone know of the real reason behind it?

      • It sounds like he is speaking from the point of view of the moon, which is likened to the feminine aspect, as opposed to the masculine sun. The moon was reduced at the beginning of the world (don’t have a chumash in front of me but pretty sure it’s in Rashi on Bereishit when the sun and the moon are created) but was reassured that eventually it will return to be a great light at the end of time.

  2. I also love this song by Hanan ben Ari who composed it, but the guy singing in the video is actually Benaia Barabi ;-).

  3. Ya, I can see myself listening to this song for the next week incessantly and sharing with everyone I know;)

  4. two summers ago one of my sons played piece by Hanan Ben Ari for me. I immediately bought the album. that whole summer i had it playing non-stop. there is something hypnotizing about his music.Benaia Barabi’s version is also good, but i highly recommend the original–and all the others Ben Ari has…

  5. A real rare deep delight. Thank you

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