Mazal Tov to Rebbetzin Heller and Rabbi Gottlieb on Their Engagement!

Mazal Tov to Rebbetzin Heller and Rabbi Gottlieb on Their Engagement!

Everybody could use some good news these days, so here it is: you might remember that Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller was widowed 7 years ago. And now b”H, she’s getting married again! To Rabbi Dr. Dovid Gottlieb of Yeshivas Ohr Sameach, who is also a widower. Mazal tov!


  1. Dani Margolies

    wow!! Baruch Hashem and a HUGE mazel tov!

  2. rachel malkin

    mazal tov. af simchos.

  3. Gila Shroot

    Mazel Tov! What an amazing Simcha! May you enjoy many happy years together.

    All Our Love Always,
    Howard and Gila Shroot and Family (AKA Jillian Levy)

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