The I Accept Song (4-Minutes)
A friend shared this song with me a few weeks ago, and whenever I listen to it, it gives me a powerful push to say “I accept” too. I wasn’t able to figure out who the singer is, please share in the comments if you recognize.
Wow! What a wonderful song!
Think its based on Benny Friedman song originally
I’d love to be able to thank the people who made this song for helping me exactly a year ago when I actually danced to this song in the birth room whilst trying to deliver a baby already two weeks late , exactly a year after delivering a nine month oold still born- the contractions refused to come, as much as I danced, and my labour couch just “happened” to have this song on her and it helped me a lot to accept that they break my watters which I was allways against , but through the words of the song I realised that Hashem was sending me a message and helped put an end to all my anxiety -my daughter was born healthy b”h around two hours later! I thank Hashem publicly for sending me the right words at the right time helping me emotionally , just as He helped me tremendously emotionally the year before that I even feel that Nisayon was a gift by seeing all the Hashgacha that was involved ,how much He cared for me to go through it calmly- but that’s another story entirely! Please pass on so people should hear Chasdei Hashem- We love Him so much and ACCEPT His will lovingly!
The tune has quite a strong beat, and Miriam Amsel’s lyrics come across very passionately. I found it hit a very deep spot within, which bothered me very much until I discussed with a friend who has had major personal nisyonos in the last few years. We came to the conclusion that what bothered us was that there was no mention of the power of prayer to change things for the better. Hashem wants us to turn to Him and ask for a yeshuah, as it says in Shir Hashirim:
השמיעני את קולך כי קולך ערב..”Let Me hear your voice because your voice is sweet”
I suppose one has to first accept, and only then pray for a change in the situation.
The tune is from “Charasha” {a Benny Friedman song) and the lyrics are as follows:
I’ve got a genuine desire
To live with true acceptance all my days
An inner peace, oh how do I acquire
To be open to the challenges I face
Enough of barely just surviving
I am stronger, greater than my circumstance
This life is for living and for thriving
I plan to grow, and hey this is my chance
I won’t fight
I’ll do this right
It is what it is
There’s a purpose in this
Yes! I can
Accept this plan!
I accept
I accept
It’s how Hashem wants it to be
And I trust that it must
be designed with love for me
Yes, it’s hard and it hurts
It’s so tough-but so am I
I’ll say yes to Hashem’s plan
I won’t ask why
I accept
I accept
It’s how Hashem wants it to be
And I trust that it must
be designed with love for me
Yes, it’s hard and it hurts
It’s so tough-but so am I
I’ll say yes to Hashem’s plan
I won’t ask why
I accept
I accept
When my heart feels the pain
Hashem help me to maintain
My focus
My aim to accept
Just watch
I’m giving up control now
Which I never truly had in the first place
Hashem I turn to you
‘Cause I can see how
There’s nothing more secure than your embrace
With every choice, I create my story
I’ll take an active part
Let go of fear
‘Cause no matter where this day will take me
I’m calm
I know Hashem’s already there
I won’t fight
I’ll do this right
It is what it is
There’s a purpose in this
Yes! I can accept this plan!
I accept
Everything is as it should
I accept
Because I know it’s for my good
I accept
I accept
I so want to accept
Hashem help me accept
Just accept
I accept
I accept
It’s how hashem wants it to be
And I trust that it must be designed with love for me
I accept
I accept
It’s how Hashem wants it to be
And I trust that it must be designed with love for me
I accept
I accept
It’s how Hashem wants it to be
And I trust that it must be designed with love for me
I accept
I accept
It’s how Hashem wants it to be
And I trust that it must be designed with love for me
I accept
Everything is as it should
I accept
‘Cause I know it’s for my good
I accept
I accept
I so want to accept
Hashem please help me accept
just accept
My teacher played it to us, last year because it had a connection to the class. And loved it ever since and so happy it came out because I was trying to get hold of it.