My Mask and the 3 Weeks

My Mask and the 3 Weeks


  1. Beautiful….

    Curious what kind of mask you are wearing that it doesn’t bother you?

    • JewishMom

      I tried cloth, but I couldn’t breathe, so now I wear the regular blue surgical masks, with the wire frame on the bridge of my nose

  2. Here in Melbourne we are on second wave lockdown (or you could call it TIMEOUT or maybe time-in!) starting from 17th of Tammuz until Rosh Chodesh Elul.May these days become days of transformation from sadness to joy and the masks will be Purim masks and the concealment will be removed and we will all breathe freely and deeply of the G-dliness that we are gasping for!
    Thank you Chana-Jenny for once again pulling away the curtains and revealing the bright daylight beyond.

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