A Mother and Her Estranged Baal Teshuva Son: Part 1 (2-Minute “We Shall Meet Again” Daily Excerpt)

A Mother and Her Estranged Baal Teshuva Son: Part 1 (2-Minute “We Shall Meet Again” Daily Excerpt)

One of the most popular and talked-about Israeli TV shows of this summer has been “We Shall Meet Again,” a docu-reality show about 5 baalei teshuva and 5 of their relatives with whom contact has been cut off. A central message of the 3 weeks is coming closer to our fellow Jews and to our Father in Heaven, so I’ve decided that I will be posting daily clips from “We Shall Meet Again,” telling the difficult and inspiring story of Shosh Ohr’s journey towards reconciliation and reunification with her estranged son, Omer.



  1. Mina Gordon

    So sad.Isn’t Kibbud Em one of the mitzvot that Hashem Yitborach chose to engrave on the Luchot? It seems that “what will my neighbor think” has replaced the fifth commandment.
    That is why I love the video that you posted of your mother-in-law’s interview, Chana. If I remember correctly, she said there that when her son (your husband) became a frum Jew it ultimately enhanced his relationship with her, and how she feels respected and honored by her daughter-in-law and grandchildren.
    May every Jew merit to make a kiddush Hashem like that!

  2. I was able to see the whole series and it is an extremely tearful, painful journey for both Mother and Son. (and the others also that were in the film)

  3. With tears in my eyes, I watched the clip and write this. I also have a daughter, not who became religious, but remarried and now, although she lives not far from us, has cut off all contact with her whole family. I have one grandson, from her first marriage who we rarely see. Our granddaughter from her current marriage doesn’t know she has grandparents and great grandparents living less than two blocks from her. After over 10 years of this, I can’t understand. Ad 120, my parents, her grandparents aren’t getting any younger. We are all heartbroken that since she remarried, has cut off all contact with us. My heart goes out to parents who are in this situation. It’s so tragic. I wish everyone in this situation a wonderful reunion with their estranged child.

  4. I don’t understand from this segment why the grandmother hasn’t visited with her son and his family since then.

    • JewishMom

      she was deeply hurt that the son wasn’t telling his neighbors that she was his mother.

  5. Thank you for explaining that, Chana Jenny. But even though the grandmother is deeply hurt by that choice of his, she can still choose to visit with her son and his family. Right?

  6. I’ve seen the whole series and it’s very inspiring to see these 5 people work on themselves to repair their relationships. The first 2 episodes can make you angry at the BT relatives but try to remember that there are at least 2 sides to every situation and every person is a whole world, and life is so dynamic that changes aren’t black and white. To be a Baal Teshuva is a long process and unfortunately at the beginning of it parties on both sides of the coin can get hurt.
    May Hashem guide all his children to seek peace even when ideologies conflict.

  7. After watching the second episode, I am starting to understand what is going on. 🙂 There are reminders of the pain my parents experienced when I first became a baal teshuva, and my parents felt that they had lost me.

  8. Do you know if there’s a way to access the complete episodes with English subtitles online?

    • JewishMom

      a lot of people have been asking, I wish an English version existed. But in the meantime the only english translation that exists is these little clips that I’ve been translating.

  9. I don’t have a TV and haven’t seen this series, but knowing Kan as I do from other contexts, I would presume their agenda is not achdus Yisrael, but more haredi-bashing. Fear of having their children do teshuva is a very real fear for Israeli parents, often more than having them move overseas or marry a goy. And programs such as these are the fuel on that fire.

    • JewishMom

      usually what you’re saying is true, but this series is different. It’s created by 3 filmmakers, 1 secular and 2 are themselves baalei teshuva. Look here to see the photo of the filmmakers https://www.makorrishon.co.il/culture/232809/

      • I still disagree. I have watched three episodes so far and being made for secular TV means they need items that will attract viewers. That means they will always prefer something sensational. After filming for two days they choose the most provocative material e.g. we see a chavruta learning that talmidei chachamim protect the city and therefore don’t need to pay taxes. Even a class on Briat Haolam to children in cheder is presented negatively that they are being taught something ridiculous (as if every class in every school doesn’t have a particular agenda). Breslov and BT yeshivas are also not mainstream (for better or worse) in the chareidi world, so that provides an inaccurate picture.

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