World Premiere of My DH’s Movie about My Life Story (10-Minute Personal Video)

World Premiere of My DH’s Movie about My Life Story (10-Minute Personal Video)

My husband made a movie about my life this past summer as part of his popular Stories of Israel project. In this video, I talk about my childhood in a liberal Jewish family in Baltimore, a life-changing encounter with devout Muslim women in Indonesia, my rocky transition to Orthodoxy and then motherhood which spurred my deep yearning to inspire other Jewish moms.
I love this video, I feel like it’s an elevator pitch for my life. It’s succeeded in explaining my life to me…and has helped me gain clarity on this nagging feeling I have that I am…different. Out of the Orthobox.


  1. Dani Margolies

    Love it!!! I have tears in my eyes, this was very special 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

  2. I love this. What a beautiful journey. You are definitely changing the world!

  3. gorgeous. you brought tears to my eyes. thank you for sharing your story.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this!

  5. Wow!! Chana Jenny, you have achieved your goal. You really are an ambassador–the JewishMom Ambassador to the UN!!!
    thank you for bringing light to our world.
    may you always be zoche to be our Dugma Chaya with revealed brachos!!

  6. Aw Chana Jenny, you’re just gorgeous!
    Thank you for this precious snippet into your journey!

  7. This was so touching. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

  8. So beautiful and inspiring!
    Thank you!!

  9. Thank you, Chana Jenny, for this precious insight into your journey. I feel a little bit like you vis a vis Pippin… you have helped me and so many navigate this journey of Jewish religious motherhood, and I hope I get to meet you someday! 🙂

    • wow, this comment makes me very happy!
      My husband decided that what I experienced in indonesia was an “e-pippin-y”

  10. Nechama mazo

    Such a beautiful story! Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. I really enjoyed this video! Kol hakavod!

  12. So so special!! Very moving!!!

  13. Beautiful! You have inspired me in so many ways over so many years. What Rachel wrote is very true for me as well(“vis a vis Pippin”). You are very special and a light for so many!

  14. Yael Maizels

    Dear Jenny,
    I first met you in real life when I was a college sophomore, far away from being a Jewish mom. Since then you’ve inspired me so much along my journey, but this blew me away “Don’t you miss G-d?” is something I hope to remember every day!

    • JewishMom

      wow! thank you. I remember when you came to us when you were in college.

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