Defiant Battered Wife and the Neighbor who Saved Her Life Honored this Yom Ha’Atsmaut

Defiant Battered Wife and the Neighbor who Saved Her Life Honored this Yom Ha’Atsmaut

At this year’s annual Independence Day ceremony, Israel honored Shira Isakov, whose husband tried to murder her after she decided to leave their abusive marriage, and Adi Guzi, the neighbor who didn’t even know Shira when she, at great personal risk, came to her rescue.
What a moving testament to women’s fierce strength, when necessary, and the profound connection binding us to one another. I pray Shira and Adi’s message will provide a light in the darkness to women suffering silently in abusive marriages.


  1. Nechama mazo

    Could you resend me the link to this video? Such an important topic in the Jewish Community.
    Thank you,

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