The Week of Parshat Korach, Dramatic Footage of Ground Opening Up in Jerusalem

The Week of Parshat Korach, Dramatic Footage of Ground Opening Up in Jerusalem

Days before Jews around the world read about the earth opening up to swallow Korach and his supporters, this afternoon in the parking lot of Jerusalem’s Shaarei Tsedek Medical Center, a sinkhole swallowed up several cars. So many freak accidents over recent weeks. The tragedies in Meron, Karlin-Stolin, the Biran family, and now this. B”H, today nobody was injured. But it makes me wonder what Hashem is trying to tell us.


  1. Shulamis Silverman

    Unbelievable!! Talk about living with the parsha!

  2. This is truly mind blowing. What does it all mean…

  3. The only sefaradi in the new government is Abbas….

    The new governement is machmir during Shnat Shmita, they plan to sell ALL of the land to the arabs…

    Harav Ovadia Yosef z”l was right when he said back then that voting for Naftali Bennett would mean voting for a government of goyim (no jewish values)…..

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