Praying for Surfside

Praying for Surfside

I’m visiting the Golan, but my heart is in Florida, davening for all those under the rubble to be found alive and healthy, please God!

Names known (as per Yeshiva World News):
Chaim ben Sara
Malka bas Sara Rochel
Yisroel Tzvi Yosef ben Toiba
Tzvi Doniel ben Yehudis
Ita bas Miriam
Esther bas Linda
Moshe ben Toba
Moshe ben Shoshana
Arie Leib ben Ita
Lein ben ilana
Leible ben Feiga Rivka
Ruth bas Sarah
Chaya Gila bas Yehudis

Please join the group to say tehilim for all those stuck under the rubble. Each passing minute counts. If you have time for even 1, please join. May we hear good news
‎Open this link to join my WhatsApp Group:

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