A Terror Attack, a Brain Tumor, and now a MAZAL TOV!

A Terror Attack, a Brain Tumor, and now a MAZAL TOV!

2.5 years ago I put up an urgent post asking for you to pray for 20-year-old Shira Sabag after she was critically injured in the terror attack at Givat HaAssaf.
Then 2 years ago I posted this video below with the title “The Terror Attack that Saved Shira’s Life” about how, miraculously, a life-threatening brain tumor was discovered and removed during her hospitalization following the attack, saving young Shira’s life.
And then, last year I heard the wonderful news that Shira had gotten married, and b”H last week more wonderful news! Shira became the mother of a healthy baby boy!! May Hashem bless Shira and her family from now on with only good news, good health and abundant nachas!! We are so thrilled for you!!

And b”H more good news from Shira Ish Ran, who was critically injured in that same attack and lost her baby delivered in the 7th month of pregnancy. 2.5 years after the world cried for the baby she lost, she also gave birth to a baby boy this week. MAZAL TOV!!
[Reminder: Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 9 PM Israel/2 PM EST please join me at Jewish MOM for Rewriting Elul: A Therapeutic Writing Workship with Write Your Way Home author Yocheved Rottenberg. I’ve taken several writing classes with Yocheved, she is amazing!!]


  1. Mazaltov. So wonderful to hear the good news. bH

  2. Yehudit Sarah

    B”H Mazal Tov to both families! May they have los of nachas.

  3. You just completely made my day. I am crying of happiness for these precious women that I have prayed for. Thank you for sharing. May you continue to be zoche to share happy news and make our day!

  4. Doris Jaffe

    Mazel tov to both of these families. Wishing them lots of nachas and smachot. Thank you for sharing bsoros tovos. May the New Year 5782 bring revealed goodness in all aspects of life.

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